Wii: New Super Mario Bros

posted by sacah on wii, review,

Having played this game on my cousins Super Nintendo many moons ago, and reading a few reviews, I figured this would be a pretty safe game to buy for both of us to play. It's got quite a bit of single play value for casual gamers, and even my wife doesn't mind going back and doing previous levels trying to get the big coins from time to time.

The game is as expected from previous games, though the game freezes for a split second when someone dies, which is really off putting if your character is half way through the air, or trying not to fall off a small post, while not often some maps you will feel cheated by your death because of the freeze.
I also found myself changing from standard Wiimote to nunchuck for different levels. For most the nunchuck addition makes it a lot more comfortable, though when vines are involved I went back to the Wiimote as I found myself pushing down or up as I was swinging side to side with the nunchuck joystick and falling off the vines!
And for the levels where you have to carry something, neither control option makes it comfortable.

This has been the solid game we've played out of all we have, and well worth full price.