Hacking Proxy support into Brackets

posted by sacah on javascript, software, fixes, hack,

Started using Brackets at work, though they use a corporate proxy, so I did a quick hack to get proxy support into Brackets for installing Extensions.

Version 0.41 and above you can define the proxy in the Preferences file, in Brackets go Debug -> Open Preference File.
Then add a line
"proxy": "http://localhost:3128",

Sprint 29, here are some screenshots
Change to this

Sprint 26, this is now on line 433 of ExtensionManagerDomain.js.

I did this for Brackets Sprint 24.

Open brackets/www/extensibility/node/ExtensionManagerDomain.js

Find the _cmdDownloadFile function, line 288
proxy: ‘http://proxy.address:port’,
To the var req = request.get({});
For authenticated proxies,
proxy: ‘http://username:password@proxy.address:port’,
var req = request.get({ proxy: ‘http://proxy.address’, url: url, encoding: null },
Hope this helps, I'm guessing they will add proxy support down the line, but until then, this will get it working.

Check out Cntlm, it's an Authenticated Proxy. Can store your password as a hash, better than entering it into plain text in the above file.