zKillboard is an amazing site that I enjoy browsing from time to time. Every now and then I want to drill down into some specific data further and I always struggle to remember the URL-fu that zKillboard allows. Forget no more, I thought I’d dig in and find as much as I could and document it for next time.
While most things went smoothly for my upgrade to Windows 10, A-Tuning from ASRock would not start. There is no Windows 10 version for download, and the Windows 8.1 version wouldn’t start. It would produce this error:
Error 0xFFFE “This utility is not for this platform”
After upgrading to 2 Galax GTX 970 OC EX gpus and setting up SLI, I found that occasionally while gaming in Surround, I’d get a full system crash, black screens, hard system reset, the works.
This first heppened in BF4 and GW2, though it was hard to figure out exactly what the issue was, I tried various driver reinstalls, under-clocking, closing all background programs, even going back 3 versions of NVidia drivers, to no avail.
Recently upgraded from a GTX 770 to 2 GTX 970s. One concern I had was keeping the heat down to get the best performance, and most threads you read about SLI tell you to get a blower style cooler, although these give worse cooling results by themselves. I looked at my motherboard and case and figured I had enough room and airflow to take the risk, so after reading a ton of reviews I opted for 2 Galax GTX 970 EX OCs.
So no doubt you are here because of Google Analytics showing you Avg Session Duration being 00:00:00 and Bounce Rates of 100%. You are thinking, surely people aren’t that turned off my site that they are leaving instantly.
Google Analytics calculates a users time on your site (session duration) by comparing the time from the first page view to the second. This is fine for sites where people browser content, most of the views will be accurate. But for sites with a variety of information in single pages, like blogs, you may be like me and find people enter 1 page, find their answer and leave. But without knowing how long someone spent reading your page you don’t really know if they took 1 look and figured it wasn’t right for them, or if they spent 15min carefully reading everything.
In this SLI scaling analysis, I have selected a number of different variables to test, which all come into play with SLI scaling in games.
The cards used to test are Nvidia GeForce GTX 780’s (yes they are not the most powerful cards, but still up to the task, and this is about scalability, not brute power). These are tested in single, dual and triple card configurations, in a variety of different games.
Settings were chosen which work well with a dual card configuration, designed to maximise all available graphics settings whilst still being playable. This allows the cards to be pushed extremely hard, which also allows the different variables to show their effects on scaling, while producing a more accurate result.
My definition of playable is not an arbitrary number of frames, but the subjective user experience of the game feeling smooth enough to be an enjoyable experience.
The following variables have been chosen to assess their impact on fps, perceived smoothness i.e. with microstuttering etc and to discover any bottlenecks which may impact on 2-way and 3-way SLI, for instance: is a quad core hyperthreaded processor capable of keeping up with 3 demanding cards, I’ve read many reviews that have often made assumptions about where the bottleneck (if any) is occuring, the data presented here will hopefully shed some more light on these factors.
What we’re testing
Frame rates; minimum, average and maximum, of course the minimum and average fps is more important to playability.
Each graphics cards maximum temperatures during play.
Each GPU’s load.
Each GPU’s core clock rate.
The amount of gpu memory used.
The CPU’s load and frequency (frequency is shown as a % of the CPU clock rate, which is at 4.4Ghz)
My wife and I have been living in the apartment complex at 104 Miller st, Pyrmont, NSW for over 4 years now. We’ve split our time between a large 1 bedroom, and a 2 bedroom once our daughter came along.
Playing around with some mobile first, basic design using Jekyll and Github for my new blog. I wanted to have the critical CSS inlined into the HTML for speedy delivery.
So I created a critical.scss file with my mobile first styles in it, and figured out the code below to include them in the head.html
Looking for a new house, and got sick of having to wade through the same listings every few days. So this script stops pins showing up in the map if I’ve already viewed them on the map.
Previously viewed properties are stored in your browsers local storage, so easiest way to clear is pasting the code below into the console while on RealEstate.com.au
Turns out it’s an issue with RivaTuner, I added both Playfire and CorsairLink to the application list in RivaTuner and choose ‘None’ on the ‘Application detection level’.